Guest Joe Pulichino and Host Kristen Hayden Safdie - Case Study: Turning Compliance Training Into A TV Series

Guest Joe Pulichino and Host Kristen Hayden Safdie - Case Study: Turning Compliance Training Into A TV Series

Show notes

There's a lot to like in this case study featuring Joe Pulichino of T-Mobile and host Kristen Hayden Safdie. Like Joe says in this episode, his team was able to take compliance training from a "snore to a score" - and as many of you know, this is no easy feat.

Give this one a listen and check out the YouTube video or the original recording if you'd like to see some of the screen sharing (linked below).

It's a really fascinating look into how one of the top US mobile carriers is using its dynamic and creative culture to make compliance training - dare I say it? Entertaining... ;-)

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Joe Pulichino

Joe Pulichino

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Kristen Hayden Safdie

Kristen Hayden Safdie

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