Extreme Learning Design: Behavior Design featuring Jack Pierce

Extreme Learning Design: Behavior Design featuring Jack Pierce

Rediscovering Trust In A World of Constant Change

Show notes

When Jack Pierce sent in the topic he wanted to discuss "Extreme Learning Design: Behavior Design", I thought it might raise some eyebrows.

And it did.

Jack has been working in training and development for over thirty years and has seen trends in our space come and go. But he's distilled what he's learned into some concepts that he's interested in sharing via Mastermind experiences --- and he went into them in this broadcast.

In today's world of training, learning, and development, it's not enough to simply consider knowledge transfer. Jack believes that behavior change is key, and one of the challenges modern learners face is dealing with the rapid change we're experiencing in our world. And that change produces fear. And not just fear from the learners we serve, but all stakeholders involved.

And Jack wants to produce solutions to help change that.

Give this recording a listen and learn more about Jack and Behavior Design. It's a timely take on a modern challenge that we should all be considering.


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Luis Malbas

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Jack Pierce

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